UO Dark Academia

Most patches and changes will be found here. Some information will not appear on here to keep the mystery and excitement of finding the changes for players in-game!


Patches and Updates info found here!

-Added Dark Academia Shirt to craft system. The shirt is a levelable item, but requires a rare item to level the item once the required experience has been earned.
-New crafting bosses have been spawned around Fel dungeons. The bosses drop crafting powerscrolls and items needed for crafting and future updates.
-Christmas is in full force on the server! Brit bank is decorated and the Grinch is invading the towns of Felucca.
-Tool Storage item added to UO store.


-Added another useful command for players. [mystats will show you a better breakdown of the player's current stats.


-Invasion system fixed and should start seeing them again
-Added more changes to global loot system
-Removed the lockpick trainer box from global loot drop
-Puzzle box has been added to the global loot system. Once you complete the puzzle, the box will reward you will a prize! Lockpicking skill will make it easier to solve the puzzle! Added some magical clothing that can only be found in the puzzle boxes!
-The lockpick trainer box has been torn apart and completely redone. The new and improved Locked and Trapped Trainer box will allow you to level up your lockpicking and remove trap.
-I am slowly working through the crafting and harvesting system and making changes. Added the Locked and Trapped Trainer box to the craft system. Hatchet now has uses and is the only axe you can use for lumberjacking.
-New Achievement system! [myachievements command, rewards Sovereigns to your account!
-Master Looter Backpack system! All new character when created will receive a master looter backpack. If you do not have one, Britain bank will have them spawned there. Single clicking the backpack will allow you to adjust the settings of the looter system. Using the [loot command will have the system loot your kills close to you based off the settings you picked. Gold will be added to your account balance. Non-gold items will be placed in the looter backpack if you have it set to loot the specific item. The system does have option to remove the corpses once you loot them.


-Active players will receive a bonus in their banks based on being online.
-Added Magical Soluton to the loot table. Magical Solution will be used in a ton of crafting items going forward.
-Added Reagent bags that can be crafted. The bag will reduce reagent's weight when stored inside, weight reduction % is based on the material used to craft the bag.
-Added full spellbooks to crafting system.


-Added daily crafting and hunting quests at Trammel Brit bank.
-Ingame UO store has items added!
-Monsters now have a base 5% chance to be paragon.


-Added Halloween decor to Brit bank!
-Also you can now trick or treat with the NPCS.
-Grave Robbing system is in place during the Halloween holiday! Keep a eye out for a Grave Robbing Shovel!
-Ton of new items added to the loot table for all monsters!


-Added a custom loot generator to provide rare drops to all monster. Stronger the monster, the greater the chance of a drop.
-Invasions have begun! Watch the town crier for them to call out invasions of the towns in Felucca.
-More work done to multiple monsters.


-Reworked the timers for casted buffs.
-Added a ton of new items for players to hunt for in-game.
-global chat system added use [c to join chat channels.


-Reworked magery buff bonuses. 
-Reworked summoned creatures.
-Added town house system so watch for buildings in the towns to go up for sale!

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